For Family and Friends

How Can You Help?

It can be very difficult to know the right ways to help or the right words to say to a mama experiencing a pregnancy loss.  The important thing is to just be there for her.  You need to know that this is an incredibly painful time for her and she will be emotional and out of sorts for quite some time- and rightfully so.  Be patient with her.  Give her space and time to grieve. 

Don't try to relate to her if you can't and don't try to say things to her about it all being for the best, or a part of some larger plan, because to her those comments just sound cold and unsympathetic right now.  For instance, if she says, "This sucks!"  A good response would be, "You're right- it does!"  Not, "It will all be okay."  To her it is not okay and she needs to feel like you acknowledge the gravity of this situation as much as she does.  Check out this website for some very helpful information about things to and not to say to a grieving mama.

Try to behave the way you would if any other member of the family died.  Help her clean the house and take care of older children so she can focus on healing.  Bring over meals.  Pamper her with flowers, cards and chocolate.  Express your condolences and be there to listen whenever she needs you!  Don't rush her into healing, this will take some time.

For additional help in understanding where the mama is coming from and what you should do, please feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail.